Philosophy of Shankaracharya
/2 Comments/in Biographies & Life Stories, Spiritual Leaders/by rathodkethan1@gmail.comShankaracharya's Advaita description:

Shankaracharya says that Advaita philosophy is very old. It comes from the teachings of the Upanishads. Advaita philosophy has three aspects: Tattva Mimansa, Gyan Mimansa, and Achar Darshan. The Vedantists developed these separately after Shankaracharya. From the point of view of Tattva Mimansa, Advaita means the denial of all types of duality or difference
Shankaracharya's Non-dualism concept:

The ultimate element, Brahma, is one and non-dual. There is no duality of any kind in it, self-owned, self-species, and alien. Brahma is without parts, indivisible, and infinite. People also call Him Sachchidananda or ‘Satyam, Gyanam, Anantam Brahma.‘.
Denying the unreal reveals Sat.Denying Achit reveals Chit.Denying Dukh reveals Anand.
Ignorance and liberation: Due to ignorance, the living being forgets its nature.It considers itself the doer and enjoyer. Due to this, it has to take the body. It has to come to the world again and again.
This is bondage. Freedom from this bondage is obtained only when ignorance is destroyed.Ignorance must be destroyed to attain liberation.The living being gains freedom by knowing itself.It realizes itself as pure conscious Brahma.
Shankaracharya about life:

Even while living in the body, the living being can be freed on attaining knowledge.The body is a bondage only until the living being does not know itself as the soul.
The living being considers itself as the body, senses, mind, etc.Once the living being realizes its true nature, it can overcome the bondage of the body.Knowledge of the self leads to liberation from the false identification with the body.
Due to this, in Vedanta, two types of liberation are considered.These are called Jeevanmukti and Videhmukti.Jeevanmukti refers to liberation while still alive.Videhmukti refers to liberation after the body dies.Even after attaining knowledge, there may still be no peace in the mind.
Shankaracharya about spirituality:
This is the reason that even though he shows bias about some things, Acharya Shankar does not accept any kind of bondage in the extreme state of spirituality. He remains free from any attachment or limitation, even in the highest spiritual state.
He does this for the sake of public good.His actions are guided by the welfare of others, even in the highest spiritual state.Acharya Shankar prioritizes the well-being of society over personal attachment to spiritual bondage.
Reaching his mother in the last moments of her life is a very important incident.It highlights the significance of fulfilling the duty of being a son.This event is particularly important in the context of his spiritual journey.
Shankaracharya about Vedanta:
It was Vedanta.Following the tradition is not the same as just achieving the title of Jagadguru. Establishing oneself in that form is also a separate thing. Today, India needs an inspiring personality with the qualities of a yogi, a poet, and a devotee.
This person should also be a dedicated worker and have knowledge of scriptures.They must care for the welfare of the people.They should be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of truth.
Shankaracharya about Knowledge:
Shankaracharya’s statement: Even while living in the body, the living being can be freed on attaining knowledge.The body is a bondage only until the living being does not know itself as the soul.The living being considers itself as the body, senses, mind, etc., which keeps it in bondage.
Due to this, in Vedanta, two types of liberation are considered, namely, Jeevanmukti and Videhmukti. Even after attaining knowledge, there is no peace in the mind.
Shankaracharya, as a result of his unflinching devotion, gained the knowledge of the scriptures from his Sadguru.He not only acquired knowledge but also experienced Brahmatva.His devotion led him to both intellectual understanding and direct spiritual experience.
He came to know the truth of the practical. His spiritual aspects of life through two different incidents that happened in Kashi.He also experienced the reality that cannot be experienced within the limits of Sannyas.
This experience occurred after a debate with Mandana Mishra.The experience was through Parakaya Pravesh, transcending the usual boundaries of Sannyas.