Unknown facts about Lord Rama
Jai shreeram-chanting every day Lord Rama so find good results in life.
Did you know that Lord Rama has a sister?

Even though we know about the history of Lord Rama, no matter how many times we listen to the Ramayana, we still want to hear it again and again. However, many authors have written books about the life and character of Lord Rama, yet there are still many things we do not know. One of them is Lord Rama’s sister.
Even today, very few people know that Lord Rama had a sister. Although some scriptures mention her, not many people know about her
Some texts mention the sister of Lord Rama, whose name is Shanta. King Rompad of Anga, who had no children, adopted Shanta, the daughter of his friend King Dasharatha. No one has provided complete information about the sister anywhere.
What was the kingdom of Rama like?

After killing Ravana, who had abducted Sita, in a war, Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya and was crowned king. It is believed that he ruled the kingdom for 11,000 years. He ruled Ayodhya for complete peace and prosperity. He ensured that no one in his kingdom faced any hardship
People claimed that he ruled so effectively that there was no theft or famine. During his rule, everyone lived happily and comfortably. During his rule, rain fell at the right time. Due to the rain falling three times a month, the crops grew well, and the kingdom was prosperous.
Legend says that Sri Rama Navami marked two significant events: the marriage of Sita and Lord Rama and their coronation.Therefore, Sri Rama Kalyanam is celebrated all over the country, including the Telugu states.
Devotees believe that performing special pujas, conducting a wedding ceremony, and chanting Rama mantras on Rama Navami yields a thousandfold result.Moreover, scholars say that chanting the name of Rama with utmost devotion provides relief from many problems. It provides freedom from diseases.
Who gave that name to Shri Ram? Is the name Rama so important?

The two letters Rama… are the most powerful Taraka mantra.Maharishi Vasishta explains that the word rama consists of two seeds. Maharishi Vasishta explains that the Agni seed and the Amrita seed combine to form the word Rama.
Once, while all the gods were having darshan of Shri Ram, the turn of the moon came. But at that time, sadness appeared on the face of the moon.When asked why he looked sad, he replied that you prioritized the sun and neglected him.
Once, while all the gods were having darshan of Shri Rama, it was the turn of the moon. But at that time, sadness appeared on the face of the moon. When someone asked why he looked sad, he explained the reason…He explained that you prioritized the sun and neglected him.
Understanding the pain of the moon, Shri Rama said that he would take birth in the Chandravansh in the incarnation of Shri Krishna. But the Moon was sad that there was a long wait for the end of the Treta Yuga and the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga. To this, Shri Ram smiled and said that he would add Chandra to the end of his name. Since then, Shri Ram has been called Ramachandra.
Even if they are not Hindus, they also know about Shri Ram Chandra.Lord Rama is like a symbol of goodness, kindness, and trust. That is why people call Shri Ram ‘Purushottam’—the supreme among men—because he embodies righteousness, virtue, and unwavering devotion to dharma. It means the best of men with good qualities. The entire life of Shri Ram Chandra is like a textbook for this world. The world should take Shri Ram as an example
Rama Naam
‘Rama Naam’ Shree Rama is a sacred name. It is important to pronounce it correctly. Indeed, Lord Shiva has told us that by pronouncing Lord Rama once, one gets the result of chanting the names of other gods a thousand times. That is the immense power of Lord Rama. It is with the power of this Lord Rama that Boyavadu became Valmiki and wrote the epic book Ramayana.
Birth of Lord Rama
Another fact is that people say Lord Vishnu himself incarnated as Lord Rama in the Treta Yuga.Parashurama and Vamana were also born in the same era.Rama ruled the country for almost 1000 years. Lord Rama’s reign is called the Golden Age. At that time, there were no deceitful qualities among the people. Everyone was friendly with each other and had the right manners. There was no impurity.
Gandhi on Lord Rama
The question of poverty did not arise. Wealth balanced everyone. After independence, Mahatma Gandhi tried to bring back such days. The rule then became known as Ram Rajyam. The incarnations that emerged along with Shri Ram It is known that Shri Maha Vishnu himself incarnated as Lord Rama. Indeed, Lakshmi Mata incarnated as Sita Devi. The serpent Anantha was born as Lakshmana.
Avatars that appeared along with Lord Rama
Shri Maha Vishnu incarnated as Shankha Chakra, Shatrughan, and Bharata.People say that a part of Paramasiva incarnated as Hanuman. The incarnations that emerged along with Shri Ram It is known that Shri Maha Vishnu himself incarnated as Lord Rama. Indeed, Goddess Lakshmi incarnated as Goddess Sita. The serpent Ananta was born as Lakshmana. Lord Vishnu incarnated as the conch shell, Shatrughanna, and Bharata.People say that an aspect of Lord Shiva incarnated as Hanuman.
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