"Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: The Architect of Equality and Justice"

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar father, Ramji, son of Maloji Sakpal, was a military officer in the rank of Major Subedar in Mhow. He and his wife, Bhimabai, spent the last years of their service in a barrack. The place of Janmsthal Smarak in Kali Paltan housed the barrack. Where Bhimrao was born here on 14th April 1891 at noon when Ramji Subedar was on duty.
The child was raised in a disciplined environment by a Kabir Panthi father and a religious mother.His Marathi family hailed from Ambavade, a town in Ratnagiri district of present-day Maharashtra. His life span was short compared to many contemporary politicians.Despite the fact he belonged to the Mahar caste, which was considered untouchable.
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on Varna:

Even during this period, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar did a lot of work in study, writing, speech, and organization. His efforts influenced the politics of that time and later. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born into the lower caste. At that time, the British were recruiting young men from lower castes in the army.
His ancestors worked in the army of the British East India Company for a long time. Bhimrao’s father, Ramji Ambedkar, was a Subedar in the British Army. He was also a teacher in a military school for some time. His father had formal education degrees in Marathi and English.
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Education:
His birth into a caste is considered untouchable. Due to this, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar had to face many humiliating situations in his school life. Facing all these situations with patience and courage, he completed his schooling. Then he started his college studies. Meanwhile, his father’s pocket money became tight.
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on College life:
There was a bad economic situation and a shortage of expenses. A friend took him to Gaikwad, the ruler of Baroda. Gaikwad arranged a scholarship for him, and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar completed his college education. After passing matriculation in 1907, with the financial help of Baroda Maharaj, he graduated from Elphinstone College in 1912.
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar at Columbia University of America:
After earning his B.A. he received a fellowship from Baroda King Sayaji Gaekwad to pursue an M.A. at University. In 1915, he completed his postgraduate degree examination.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar authored his research titled ‘Commerce of Ancient India.’. In 1916, he received a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in America. The subject of his Ph.D. research was “Decentralization of Provincial Finance in British India.”
Between 1913 and 1915, when Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was studying at Columbia University.Then he wrote a research paper on ancient Indian trade instead of a question paper for the MA examination. In this, he has considered India’s trade relations with other countries.
London School of Economics and Political Science
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had to return to India after the fellowship was over. So they deported him via Britain. There he registered himself for an M.Sc. and D.Sc. at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He obtained a bar-at-law degree from the Law Institute; after that, he returned to India.
First of all, as per the condition of the scholarship, he accepted the responsibility of a military officer. He also became a financial advisor in the court of the Baroda King. Due to the serious problem of no one being ready to hire him in the entire city.So he returned to Mumbai after some time.
After getting a fellowship from Baroda King Sayaji Rao Gaekwad.Then Bhimrao passed the graduation examination from Mumbai University in 1912.Forbidden to study Sanskrit, he qualified in Persian instead.
Worked to make the uneducated and poor people aware:

He edited the weekly magazine Mooknayak. He started Bahishkrit Bharat newspaper.He raised awareness among the mute, uneducated, and poor people through his newspaper. He completed his unfinished studies, which left. He went to London and Germany and obtained the degrees of M.Sc., D.Sc., and Barrister from there.
The research topic of his M.Sc. was the analytical study of the achievable decentralization of imperial finance. The topic of his D.Sc. degree was the problem of the rupee. It also covered its origin and solution. Additionally, it included the history of Indian currency and banking.
Honored with honorary degrees of D.Litt.
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar received the honorary degree of L.L.D. from Columbia University. Osmania University also awarded him the honorary degree of D.Litt. In this way, Ambedkar became an inspiration for the global youth.
The discussion of trade relations has also outlined India’s economic development. The 12th volume of Rachnaavali published this research paper. After a few years of service to the Baroda state, he received the Nobel Prize.
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in Poona Pact for Dalit reservation:
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was also a member of the delegation to the Round Table Conference in 1931.So there he demanded a separate electorate for the untouchables. Mahatma Gandhi opposed this as it was seen as divisive in Hindu society.
In 1931, he spoke to the British Prime Minister at the Conference. He said, “The British Parliament and its speakers have always claimed to be the trustees of the depressed classes.”
I am sure that this is not a lie of civilized people, which, if not taken into consideration, would be a great betrayal. These people have become rich and great on the basis of our ruin and devastation. In the Poona Pact of 1932, Gandhi and Ambedkar agreed on a middle path after mutual discussions.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar soon established his leadership among the Harijans.He brought out several magazines on their behalf.He also succeeded in getting special representation for Harijans in the government legislative councils. Ambedkar took up the cause of the Harijans.
It is said to make mutual relations cordial. In my opinion, it would be the definite duty of any government not to lose the heritage it has. If the British Government leaves us at the mercy of those who have not paid the least attention to our prosperity.Then we will not be able to do anything.
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